martes, abril 23, 2013

Comunicación de generación en generación

"La importancia de los grabados en las 
primeras civilizaciones"

Los alumnos de 4to grado comenzaron a trabajar en el Proyecto Anual sobre Comunicación.
En una introducción a la historia de los primeros hombres, los alumnos conocieron sus formas de comunicarse entre ellos y con las generaciones futuras. Aprendieron dónde vivían y cómo se trasladaron estos hombres, poblando a su paso diferentes lugares del planeta y dejando a las subsiguientes generaciones  mensajes grabados, objetos y tradiciones que conformaron la cultura de las primeras civilizaciones humanas . 

    En una primera instancia , los alumnos trabajaron en grupos con mapas en los que marcaron la ruta y los lugares donde vivieron los primeros hombres. 

     Y luego, en una segunda instancia , escribieron un breve resumen de lo trabajado. Usaron las computadoras del colegio para tipear sus textos con el objetivo de comunicar a los lectores lo aprendido.

The first people lived in Africa and they moved to other continents in canoes and walking. They communicated with drawings,sounds and signs. They drew animals and spears on the walls of the caves in special ocassions. They signed their pictures with the print of  their hands. On their way to other places, early people left behind pictures, jewells and prints for the next generations. This is how other people knew about them.”
Martin, Yago, Lauti, Juampi, Bauti S. , Manu. - 4th B

“ The first people lived in Africa. Then they moved to Middle East,  Europe and Asia. They moved from place to place in boats, and they also walked a lot. They left jewells, tools and pictures of animals in every place for future visitors. They wanted to be remembered forever. They communicated by signals, with pictures and sounds. They drew animals and hands on the cave walls. They signed their pictures with prints of  their hand.”
TOMÁS ,BAUTI M.P. ,FELI. - 4th B  

“The first people lived in Africa, then  they moved to Middle east, then then they moved to Europe and then they moved to Asia. They walked from place to place and they also used boats to reach these places. As they walked, they left behind pictures, jewells and objects that were proofs of their life. They communicated with each other with signs and with pictures. They drew animals and spears in cave walls sometimes. They signed them with handprints.”

Sofi , Cata, Pau, Nati - 4th B

 “The first people lived in Africa, then they moved to Middle East, Europe and they stayed in Asia. They moved by boats and walking. As the walked along, they left behind drawings, pictures,  jewells and tools for future visitors. And also stories they told. They wanted to be remembered and to tell other people about them. They communicated with signals, face expressions, sounds and paints. They drew animals and  spears in caves and rocks and signed their drawings with their handprints.”
Sol , Mateo , Mora , Uli. - 4th B

"They travelled from Africa to The Middle East to Europe and Asia. In prehistoric times, there were probably only twenty or thirty thousands of the first "true" human beings in the whole world. (Scientists call them Homo Sapiens Sapiens). They painted pictures of animals in the caves for the next generations. They thought the caves were doors to other world."

4th Form 'A'  .

Hola queridas familias. Los chicos de 6th form estuvieron trabajando mucho para lograr este hermoso blog.

El primer paso fue que los chicos pensaran qué era para ellos la comunicación y si era importante o no. Buscaron información y dieron sus opiniones para ir armando entre todos la respuesta para las preguntas: "What is communication?" y "Why is communication important?"

Trabajamos sobre los diferentes medios de comunicación a lo largo del tiempo y armamos una línea del tiempo ubicando en ella las diferentes fuentes en los distintos tiempos.

Espero les guste y lo disfruten


Hi everyone!!  Welcome to 6th form’s blog!

In this blog, we’ll share information about our Institutional project “COMMUNICATION”. We hope you find it useful!





·     Communication is important for do the basic things;

·     Communication is the understanding between people;

·     Communication is important to express feelings, emotions, thoughts, ideas and concepts;

·     Communication is essential for learning new things;

·     Communication is important to communicate with others;

·     Communication is important to work in groups.



¿Qué es la comunicación?

En 6to en inglés, estamos trabajando lo que es la comunicación, y la importancia de ella. Los chicos estuvimos investigando los tipos de comunicación del pasado y del presente. Sobre este último les  mostramos un video.


What are we doing and why

We are searching for information about the mass means of communication, because every year at school we make a project and, this year, the topic of it is Global Communication. Related to this topic we are going to create a blog and a magazine, and we will also do a painting on a wall.

Why is communication so important?

Communication is important because if we did not communicate with the people around us we would not know other people´s opinions and thoughts. Through communication, we can stop wars and fights.

Communication is also important for life. Without it, we would be alone and sad because we could not talk to anyone or tell our needs.

We can communicate in many ways, such as by talking, making gestures, writing, etc.

What is mass media?

Usually, we understand Mass Media as something related to newspapers, magazines, book publishing, radio, T.V. and films, as these means are used to provide information, news and advertising.

Through mass media, individuals and entities relay information to large segments of population at the same time.

Mass media through history

Some centuries ago, people only knew a few ways of communicating. They could speak to each other, send smoke signals, send a person with a message. Later on, new means of communication were created, such as telephone, books, newspapers and also magazines.

The first boom of media was when the radio and the television were invented. The second expansion of it occurred when the first communication satellite was launched into orbit, on 1960.

Nowadays, we have lots of ways of communication. One of the most powerful of them is the Internet.



Primera parte 

 7ºB  ha estado investigando acerca de la comunicación y los distintos medios de comunicación a lo largo de la historia.

We are doing research on means of communication through time:

ØLetters / Messengers /’Chasquis’

ØTelegraph / Morse Code / Telephone /Mobile phone/ Fax/text messages /Radio messages


ØTelevision & Radio Newspapers and magazines (printing press)

ØSigns and symbols: Traffic signs Notices / ‘ Smoke’ signs /  “ Ship” Flags / ‘Sign Language for Deaf- Mute people / Braille system for Blind people

ØInternet: E-mail / Chat rooms / Forums/ Social nets: Facebook (Prons & Cons)/ Twitt

Segunda Parte

En esta oportunidad nos interiorizamos sobre qué es la comunicación,tipos de comunicación,su importancia y cuáles son las barreras que la impiden.


üCommunication is the activity of giving information through the exchange of thought. There is a sender, a message, a channel  and a recipient. It can occur only if the recipient understands the message. It can be:

·         Human: Pictorial and spoken languages. They are a system of symbols:

      -Verbal: it requires interpersonal processing, listening, observing, analyzing.

     - Non-verbal: body language, eye-contact, sign language, pictures, graphics.

·         Non-human: every information exchange between living organisms (e.g. bacteria)

üThere are barriers which impede  effective communication:

     -Physical: due to the characteristics of the environment(background noise, poor lighting, extreme weather conditions, the technology used might be failing)

    - Attitudinal: personal attitude

   - Ambiguity: words sounding the same but havin a different meaning

   - Individual linguistic ability: Using jargon or difficult words that not all the audience can understand.

  - Psychological: caused by each individual’s discomfort in a situation.

üCommunication Noise: this is an interference with the decoding of messages sent over the channel by the encoder. It can be:

-          Environmental: e.g a loudspeaker, construction noise outside, etc.

-          Physiological: physical impairments such as being blind or deaf.

-          Semantic: when it is difficult to understand the meaning of words.

-          Syntactic: when there are a lot of grammar mistakes.

-          Organizational: the message is poorly organized, it is confusing.

-          Cultural: people from different cultural backgrounds might understand differently.

-          Psychological: e.g. the person’s feelings or mood can affect it (sadness, anger). They might lose the focus of attention.

(communication at a distance using technological means)

A long time ago, messages were transmitted only orally or through letters. There were messengers in charge of delivering that information to people. For example, in South America there were ‘Chasquis’. They were young men who travelled from place to place representing ‘Inca’ and delivering messages to elderly people in the different villages. They, in turn, would transmit the information.

As time went by, technological  devices were developed and communication could be achieved through other means such as:

-          The telegraph

-          The telephone

-          Video telephony

-          Satellites

lunes, abril 22, 2013

En plástica trabajamos realizando un dibujo libre luego de ver cómo funciona la comunicación. Qué es el mensaje, quiénes intervienen (emisor y receptor), a través de dónde puede darse el mensaje (canal o medio), mediante qué nos comunicamos (código).
Vimos cómo la comunicación está en todos lados; desde el chat, una charla cara a cara, mirando algún medio de comunicación, un cartel incluso comunica, o hasta si yo tiemblo o tirito; sin enunciar una palabra,  estoy comunicando con el cuerpo que tengo frío.

Los chicos eligieron algunos de todos estos conceptos y lo volcaron en una obra.

7mo. grado A

7mo. grado B