martes, abril 23, 2013

4to.grado A y B-

Comunicación de generación en generación

"La importancia de los grabados en las 
primeras civilizaciones"

Los alumnos de 4to grado comenzaron a trabajar en el Proyecto Anual sobre Comunicación.
En una introducción a la historia de los primeros hombres, los alumnos conocieron sus formas de comunicarse entre ellos y con las generaciones futuras. Aprendieron dónde vivían y cómo se trasladaron estos hombres, poblando a su paso diferentes lugares del planeta y dejando a las subsiguientes generaciones  mensajes grabados, objetos y tradiciones que conformaron la cultura de las primeras civilizaciones humanas . 

    En una primera instancia , los alumnos trabajaron en grupos con mapas en los que marcaron la ruta y los lugares donde vivieron los primeros hombres. 

     Y luego, en una segunda instancia , escribieron un breve resumen de lo trabajado. Usaron las computadoras del colegio para tipear sus textos con el objetivo de comunicar a los lectores lo aprendido.

The first people lived in Africa and they moved to other continents in canoes and walking. They communicated with drawings,sounds and signs. They drew animals and spears on the walls of the caves in special ocassions. They signed their pictures with the print of  their hands. On their way to other places, early people left behind pictures, jewells and prints for the next generations. This is how other people knew about them.”
Martin, Yago, Lauti, Juampi, Bauti S. , Manu. - 4th B

“ The first people lived in Africa. Then they moved to Middle East,  Europe and Asia. They moved from place to place in boats, and they also walked a lot. They left jewells, tools and pictures of animals in every place for future visitors. They wanted to be remembered forever. They communicated by signals, with pictures and sounds. They drew animals and hands on the cave walls. They signed their pictures with prints of  their hand.”
TOMÁS ,BAUTI M.P. ,FELI. - 4th B  

“The first people lived in Africa, then  they moved to Middle east, then then they moved to Europe and then they moved to Asia. They walked from place to place and they also used boats to reach these places. As they walked, they left behind pictures, jewells and objects that were proofs of their life. They communicated with each other with signs and with pictures. They drew animals and spears in cave walls sometimes. They signed them with handprints.”

Sofi , Cata, Pau, Nati - 4th B

 “The first people lived in Africa, then they moved to Middle East, Europe and they stayed in Asia. They moved by boats and walking. As the walked along, they left behind drawings, pictures,  jewells and tools for future visitors. And also stories they told. They wanted to be remembered and to tell other people about them. They communicated with signals, face expressions, sounds and paints. They drew animals and  spears in caves and rocks and signed their drawings with their handprints.”
Sol , Mateo , Mora , Uli. - 4th B

"They travelled from Africa to The Middle East to Europe and Asia. In prehistoric times, there were probably only twenty or thirty thousands of the first "true" human beings in the whole world. (Scientists call them Homo Sapiens Sapiens). They painted pictures of animals in the caves for the next generations. They thought the caves were doors to other world."

4th Form 'A'  .